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OpenCUI is built on an open architecture, making it easy to make functionality available to chatbots. The core of this architecture is the separation between interface and implementation, allowing conversational behavior to be defined on the interface while implementation can take various forms.

On OpenCUI, we abstract the interface for every built-in functionality that might have more than one implementation, such as channels and supports, and we encourage you to do the same thing for application-level functionalities, such as payment processing.

There are two kinds of extensions:

  • External extensions are those that the OpenCUI platform does not have access to the source code for and can only be used by you with a privately deployed chatbot.
  • Internal extensions are those that the OpenCUI platform does have access to the source code for (inside OpenCUI or Framely). Chatbots using Framely extensions cannot be exported for private deployment."

Extend with native provider

To develop extensions with Native Provider, you should follow these steps below. To use existing extensions, you can go Wire and configure directly.

  1. Describe interface If the service interface you need has not been created yet, you should create a new one and describe its schema on OpenCUI platform. System service interfaces are already created for you, if you want to connect to other channels, you can use them directly, like

  2. Generate Code Stub If the service interface you need has already been created, you need to export it. When exporting, OpenCUI platform will generate stub code in kotlin, and you will get the generated file which will be used in implementation.

  3. Develop Extension The standard way to develop extension is to do it inside extension repo.

    git clone

    OpenCUI use gradle as build system, so you can create a subdirectory to host your subproject. Using the existing building system in this repo will make it easy for you to contribute your native provider back OpenCUI community. The implementation can then be developed as standard Kotlin project. Make sure your project actually builds before you move to the next step.

    ./gradlew your_project:build
  4. Register Native Provider Regardless if the extensions are external, you need to register their native provider on the platform so that OpenCUI can generate the frontend code for them. To register native provider, follow steps in the Build native provider documentation to accomplish the following:

    1. Create native provider.
    2. Declare service interface.
    3. Configuration setup.

When you're done, make sure you merge all of your changes into master.

Quickstart with Helloworld

Now lest's use helloworld extension as an example to show how extension is developed. This simple hello word extension gets name from configuration, and then simly return hello $name.

Describe interface

  1. Create service interface. Go to one of your org, select Components in left side menu, click Create on the right side. In the Create popup window:

    • Enter a label for service component. For example, our hello world example uses component_0915 as label.
    • Turn on service toggle, enable service.
    • No need to add language. As a service that provides an interface for extensions does not need to add language.
    • Click Save.

    create service componentClick Create

    create service component popupCreate popup window

  2. Declare function. Head to Service page, in the Functions section, click Add to declare function signature. In helloworld example, we declare a simple function labeled as testFunction, which takes a string as input parameter named str, and return a string.

    add functionClick add function

    function popup windowFunction popup window

  3. Review your changes and merge them into master.

Generate code stub

In the service you described, click Export on the second navigation bar to extract the generated file.

export service component

Develop extension

  1. Clone extensions repo, create a subdirectory to host your subproject. Here we create helloworld under extensions.

    git clone
  2. Implement the service interface, you can develop it as standard Kotlin project. The implementation code example of helloworld is like:

    data class HelloWorldProvider(
    val config: Configuration,
    override var session: UserSession? = null): IComponent_0915, IProvider {
    override fun testFunction(str: String): String? {
        return "hello ${config["name"]}, $str"
    companion object: ExtensionBuilder<IComponent_0915> {
        override fun invoke(config: Configuration): IComponent_0915 {
        return HelloWorldProvider(config)
  3. Make sure the project actually builds before you move to the next step.

    ./gradlew your_project:build

For a full overview, see helloworld in OpenCUI extensions repo.

Register native provider

  1. Create a native provider. Go to one of your org, select Provider in left side menu, click Create on the right side. In the Create popup window:

    • Enter a label for provider. For example, test as label.
    • Select Native Provider in Provider Type field.
    • Select OpenCUI-hosted in Deploy Mode field as helloworld is one of OpenCUI extensions.
    • Click Save.

    create native providerClick Create

    create native provider popupCreate popup window

  2. Declare service interface component_0915 in native provider:

    • Go to service component_0915, click Import on the second navigation bar. In the popup window, select your native provider, in this case we select test, and Save.

      import component0915 to native provider

    • Back to the test native provider, heading to Service page from the left side menu. In the Implemented section, select component_0915.

      select service in native provider

  3. Configuration setup, heading to Configuration page from the left side menu:

    • Enter Provider Class Name, a fully qualified name of this implementation class. In this case, enter me.test.component_0915.HelloWorldProvider.

    • Set Configuration Meta as following:

          "key": "name",
          "label": "Name",
          "type": "String"
    • Enter io.opencui.extensions:helloworld:1.0-SNAPSHOT in Implementation field. The format of this field should be group:project:version. Normally, the group and version field can be found in the build.gradle file.

      configuration setup

  4. Review and merge your changes into master.

Wire and configure in chatbot

  1. If you have not already created a chatbot, create one now. Inside your org, head to chatbot list page by clicking Chatbots in the left side menu, then click Create on the right side.

    • Enter your chatbot's label in the Project Label field, for example helloworld.
    • Select your preferred Region.
    • Select the languages for your chatbot in the Add Language field, we selcet English(en) here.

    create chatbotCreate chatbot

    create chatbot popup windowCreate popup window

  2. Import service component_0915 into chatbot helloworld. Go to service component_0915, click Import on the second navigation bar. In the popup window, select your chatbot, in this case we select helloworld, and save.

    import component0915 to chatbot

  3. Switch to your helloworld chatbot, wiring the implementation and configure the integration.

    • Heading to Settings page, in Integrations tab, select the service interface you just imported and the native provider that implements it.
    • Finish the configuration form and save.

    chatbot integrationWired the implementatio

    configuration popup windowConfiguration popup window

  4. Don't forget to merge your latest changes to master.